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Fetch AI

Fetch is a decentralized digital representation of the world in which autonomous software agents perform useful economic work. This means that they can perform tasks, such as delivering data or providing services and are rewarded with a digital currency for their efforts.
Fetch solves one of the greatest problems in the data industry today: data can't sell itself. With Fetch, it can: data is able to actively take advantage of any opportunity to exploit itself in the marketplace in an environment that's constantly reorganizing to make that task as easy as possible. Internet-of-things (IoT) devices inhabited by Fetch agents can increase utilization by capitalizing on short-lived opportunities to sell the information that they possess in existing as well as new markets.
Token will be used for payments, transactions and for utility purposes across the platform.

Fetch AI Review and Rating




Stage of The Project


Project Potential






Token Sale Terms


White Paper





  • Team and advisory board: For a project that would like to penetrate the challenging market of AI and Machine Learning, FetchAI is in the right place. Many of the team are former workers of Deep Mind, an AI company which developed cutting-edge tools in the neural networks field.
  • Short Term Project Potential: Fetch AI managed to enter the prestigious club of Binance Launchpad projects. This fact can have a significant impact on the first few months of the token in the market.


  • No Convincing Token Use: The token utility as explained is not convincing from an investor point of view, there are not enough reasons specified in the white paper to have a native token, and to show potential for the token to grow in value.
  • ICO Terms: After the public sale there will be 17.6% of the tokens that were sold for 21M USD, this means a total market cap of almost 120M USD which is very high for the current bear market.

Public Sale Ended

25 Feb 2019

Total raised
$21,000,000 / $21,000,000

Token: FET

Token type: ERC-20

ICO price: 1 FET = 0.05267 USD

Finite token number: 1,152,997,575 FET

Availability: Afghanistan, Belarus, Burundi, Central African Republic, China, Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, North Korea, Serbia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, United States of America, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe are Restricted.

Status: Whitepaper is ready.

Accepted currencies: BNB

Token Distribution: Within 15 days after the token sale ends

private sale
3-month lockup, then vesting monthly over 3 months

Cap: 15,000,000 USD

crowd sale

Cap: 6,000,000 USD
Feb 25 - Mar 2
Crowd sale will be conducted at Binance Launchpad

Team Members

Fetch Team

Humayun Sheikh

CEO & Founder

Fetch Team

Toby Simpson

CTO & Co-founder

Fetch Team

Thomas Hain

Co-founder & CSO

Fetch Team

Jonathan Ward

Head of Research

Fetch Team

Troels Frimodt Rønnow

Head Of Software Engineering

Fetch Team

Maria Minaricova

Head of Business Development

Advisory board

Fetch Team

Melvyn Weeks


Fetch Team

Steve Grand


Fetch Team

Niall Armes


Fetch Team

Monique Gangloff


Fetch Team

Jamie Burke



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